Thanks for visiting my site! I hope you find it useful.
There is a lot of self help material on this site. Sometimes people find that overwhelming and send me questions as soon as they get here. Please don't do that! I get many more questions than I can ever answer. You can find the answer to most questions by reading through the articles that pertain to kind of anxiety you're having. Please do that first!
If you still have questions after that, use the contact form below to send me your question. I suggest you use the contact form, rather than calling, because I can respond to you more quickly by e-mail.
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with me, please use the contact form below. For more information about appointments with me, read the material here.
State laws regulate online therapy, and I am only able to offer sessions
to people in states whose laws permit this. I am licensed, through
an organization called Psypact, to provide online therapy in 38 states,
and there are several others where I am eligible, including California
and New York. Click here
to see a list of the Psypact states.
I use a "whitelisting" system to keep spam out of my mailbox. If you have never written to me before, use the contact form below to send me your message. Once you have heard back from me, you will be able to write to me directly.
If you use the contact form to write to me, be sure to double check the spelling of your e-mail address. If it contains a typo, I won't be able to write back to you.
If you have any trouble using the form, you can also write to me at my gmail address, which is dcarbonell2 followed by
I answer as many messages as I can, but I can't answer them all. If you're writing to me with a question, you are more likely to get a reply if you can be brief, specific, and to the point.
Before you send me a question, please read through the articles on this site relevant to your concern. There is a lot of information on this site, and I think most questions can be answered by reading it.
Dave Carbonell
For some media interviews with Dr. Carbonell on the topic of various anxiety disorders, click here.
Everything on this web site has been written personally by me, except as otherwise noted. I do not accept advertisements on this site. Any information collected by this website, such as email addresses, will never be passed on to any third party, unless required by law.
The site is wholly funded by Dr. Carbonell and the Anxiety Treatment Center, Ltd. We don't accept any advertising on this site.
The information published on this site has been written and published strictly for informational purposes. It should be used as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, consultation with a health care professional.
© 2010-2025 David
Carbonell, PhD. Anxiety Coach® is a registered mark.
P.O. Box 256539, Chicago, IL 60625
Last updated on February 4, 2025